Microblading Aftercare Instructions
The better you follow these instructions the greater the likelihood your new brows will stay beautiful longer. Keep in mind these are not suggestions but rules to follow during the healing process.
What to expect: Your brows will be extra dark the first day or two. They will start to fade and will fade up to 50%. You may notice swelling, this should only last 24-48 hours. On about day 3 you may start to notice flaking or fading of the ahir stroke or pigment. Don’t freak out! This is normal and why the touch up is so important.
- Do not pick or scratch brows for 7 days
- Do not sleep directly on your brows for 7 days
- Do not swim (pools, hot tubs, lakes or oceans) for 7 days
- Do not exercise for 24 hours
- Do not receive chemical peels or microdermabrasion in the brow area
- Do not apply make up to the brows for 7 days. Keep the area around your brows clean!
- Wearing makeup is totally fine, but you will want to make sure bacteria isn’t getting into your healing brows. Just be careful around the brow area.
- Do not allow heavy sun exposure for at least 2 weeks.
- Do not schedule a botox appointment for at least 7 days
The best way to retain clean hair strokes and pigment is to leave them alone as best you can. Rinse your brows lightly with baby shampoo morning and night and apply the aftercare very sparingly after each rinse. If you run out of the precis balm, I would use A&D ointment or neosporin. Lightly apply ointment with a clean cotton swab to the brow area (dab, don’t rub)
When the brows start to scab, don’t pick at them, if you pick at them the color can come off with the scab. Once in the morning and once at night, use a baby wipe to gently wipe (don’t rub) across each brow.
Exfoliate before you come to your touch up.
REMEMBER this is a 2 session process. Do not expect that your brows will be perfect after one session. This is why touching them up is so important. Some clients will require a 3rd appointment depending on their individual needs. This will need to be done no later than 12 weeks from your initial appointment.
I’m always available if you have any questions: 801-641-6038 or eastin.cassidy@yahoo.com but contact a doctor first if you think you are getting an allergic reaction.